AI powered penetration testing for enterprise

NIMIS AI is fast and accurate.

Benefits for security teams

Enabling security teams to respond with greater confidence, speed and control.

Continuous Assessment

Pentest on demand. Unlike long lead time and time-boxed penetration testing, NIMIS can be run on demand to suit agile software development cycles.

Reduce dependence on external suppliers

Use NIMIS to reduce budgets on external pentesters and instead focus resources on in-house talent.


Enable team members to do less busy work associated with writing reports and free their time to work on remediation, vulnerability trends and root cause analysis.

Remediation Validation

Re-test to validate vulnerability remediation at any time with a simple button click, reducing the time spent to close a test and improve efficiency.

Streamline Workflow

Keep all the test information consolidated and encrypted in your dedicated environment, including current test results, remediation status, and a history of the security issues for each application.


Single pane of glass to manage all your penetration testing results, review remediation status, add applications and manage team members.

Our Technology.

NIMIS applies deep reinforcement learning to web application penetration testing.

This provides you a current view of the risk posture from every web app you have, enabling you to protect your organization before the hackers find the vulnerabilities.

With NIMIS, enterprises know their risk with every web app and every feature release, updating that risk picture at the speed of your devops teams for secure web applications.

How it works?


Deep Reinforcement Learning

Penetration testing is a complex technical field. As the number of inputs, libraries and different technology stacks grow the permutations of system interactions grow exponentially. Since scripts are deterministic and can only deal with scenarios which have been coded up, NIMIS uses deep reinforcement learning.

Vulnerability Identification

A combination of deep reinforcement learning and machine learning algorithms identify patterns where specific types of vulnerabilities occur and match testing to the technology stack for that component, finding vulnerabilities faster with reduced noise and load.

Validation Engine

Validation of vulnerabilities separate a penetration test from a vulnerability scan. The NIMIS validation engine validates that the potential vulnerability is an issue that needs to be treated.

Test, remediate and manage web applications faster

Keep up with security testing demands by eliminating manual tasks like maintaining and replaying sessions, writing reports and validating remediation using automation. Identify, prioritize and manage security threats with visualizations, task sequencing and customizable risk scores.

Scalable, connected penetration testing workflow for teams

Review current or past test results, schedule future tests and identify trends to make informed decisions on vulnerability prevention and remediation. NIMIS provides a complete picture of the environment through a consolidated view.

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